Call Now At (208) 203-7876 (Meridian) | (208) 328-5795 (Emmett)
Call Now At (208) 203-7876 (Meridian) | (208) 328-5795 (Emmett)
Too many people have asked for my response to this (click here) opinion letter published in the Idaho Statesman for me to ignore the requests to respond. The opinion letter was written by an attorney professing to be a supporter of the Second Amendment, but who expresses his disapproval of the permitless carry law. He expresses what at first glance appear to be concerns for the gun owning community, who this attorney suggests who could be misled by the meaning of the phrase “permitless carry.” The attorney, also a firearms instructor, touts the permitting system as the resolution that would save us all from disaster. I disagree.
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(208) 203-7876 (Meridian)
(208) 328-5795 (Emmett)