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Image showing gun on paper
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Too many people have asked for my response to this (click here) opinion letter published in the Idaho Statesman for me to ignore the requests to respond.  The opinion letter was written by an attorney professing to be a supporter of the Second Amendment, but who expresses his disapproval of the permitless carry law.  He expresses what at first glance appear to be concerns for the gun owning community, who this attorney suggests who could be misled by the meaning of the phrase “permitless carry.”  The attorney, also a firearms instructor, touts the permitting…Read More

A man and woman in business attire looking at a tablet.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

By Alexandria Kincaid, Attorney For years (at least since 2012), over 99% of all names reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) list’s “mental defective” category are those of veterans.  These veterans are reported by the Department of Veterans Affairs (the VA) to the NICS, without first allowing the veterans an opportunity to appear and present their side of the story to a judge or even the VA Board subject to ordinary court rules, such as the rule that does not allow hearsay evidence. Before taking away…Read More

A woman aiming a gun with focused determination.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

(C) 2016 By Alexandria Kincaid During her “conversation on gun violence” in New York on April 11th, Hillary touted her stance to fight against the law that has, according to her, made it impossible for people to sue gun manufacturers. Since the beginning of her campaign, Hillary Clinton has shown her complete ignorance of, or deliberate disregard for, the potential liability of firearms manufacturers.  Of course, who cares about the facts?  Her gun control agenda is focused on emotion, regardless of the truth.  I work with firearms dealers and manufacturers…Read More

Image Showing Lady Justice
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Millions of Americans lawfully own and responsibly use AR15s everyday, but relatives of the Sandy Hook school shooting victims are trying to use the court system to hold manufacturers of the rifle accountable for the acts of a criminal.  The over-zealous plaintiffs previously filed their lawsuit against Remington Arms in federal court, and the federal court judge rightfully tossed the case to the curb.  But the plaintiffs refiled the lawsuit in state court.  Today, the state court judge decided to allow the case to proceed, although she will allow the…Read More

A uniformed man conversing with a woman in a living room.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

“Careless” or “Criminal?”  While President Obama’s comments may be careless, Hillary Clinton’s behavior is more likely criminal. Criminally negligent behavior is behavior that is “felony stupid.”  It’s behavior that you know is a bad decision because it could hurt, and is even likely to hurt, other people. I once prosecuted a driver for “criminally negligent” homicide after he killed two people when he rear-ended them in a construction zone. Why did I prosecute?  Because the driver knew he hadn’t slept in 24 hours; he knew he was tired; he knew he was…Read More

Lawyer is handing document to judge
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

I imagine it’s not the type of diversity Justice Sotomayer had in mind, but selecting a judicial conservative, who looks to the language of the United States Constitution rather than the fad of the time, would certainly add a bit of diversity.  Read Sotomayer’s comments here.Read More

A glass of liquor with a golden liquid inside
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

If drinking were a defense to assault and rape, most wife beaters would never be convicted. The argument by 22 year old Cory Batey, a former Vanderbilt University student and football player, that he was so drunk he didn’t know what he was doing when he raped an unconscious college student, rightfully failed. Read more about the trial here.Read More

Image showing Lady Justice
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

We know how Diane Feinstein feels about the Second Amendment. Apparently, she doesn’t much care for the rest of our Constitution either.  Her proposed Compliance with Court Orders Act is another attempt to eliminate a way that Americans can defend themselves against the real criminals. Only, instead of attempting to eliminate firearms, this new bill is an attempt to eliminate our security and privacy.  The CCOA would effectively prevent law-abiding American citizens from encrypting data and would open a wide door through which the criminals will surely walk.Read More

A handgun and a credit card placed on a wooden table.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

One rainy morning four years ago, I walked out of Meridian’s largest gun shop to find two gentlemen standing in front of the store, clipboards in hand, requesting signatures on a petition.  The petition was to request that Idaho citizens support a permitless carry law.  That was the first time I met Greg Pruett, and I offered my help with his endeavor. Idaho is known as a gun friendly state with many, if not most, residents owning at least one firearm.  If a law-abiding citizen can own a gun, shouldn’t…Read More

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