Alexandria Kincaid is a nationally renowned author and speaker.
She has appeared in numerous magazines, newspapers, and online articles, and she is a regular contributor to RECOIL Magazine, Concealment Magazine, the American Shooting Journal and Ammoland.com.
Below are a few examples of her articles.

Concealed carry laws can very quickly make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding citizens. It can be difficult enough to understand the rules in your home state. To make things worse, once you think you understand those rules, plan on them changing when you travel. In fact, everything can change when you travel — including the most basic definitions of simple words you think you understand. For every state in which you wish to carry a firearm, you must know what it means for a firearm to be “concealed,” “open,” or “loaded.” You…Read More

Do “assault Weapon” Bans Infringe Upon The Second Amendment? Some of you will recall a time when the gun-control push targeted handguns. “Handgun bans” popped up in multiple U.S. locations, including Washington D.C. and Chicago, where residents were denied the ability to buy them. These bans were later shut down by the United States Supreme Court in two cases: one in 2008 (District of Columbia v. Heller) and one in 2010 (McDonald v. Chicago). These cases were the last time Americans received any direction on the meaning of “shall not…Read More

You Can Defend Yourself, But Who Will Defend Your Right to Defend Yourself? Enter Former Trial Lawyer and Private Practice Owner Alex Kincaid, a Second Amendment Proponent and the Author of a New Book Designed to Help Firearms Owners Educate Themselves to Become the Answer to that Question. Whoever said “experience is the best teacher” clearly hasn’t met Alex Kincaid. She is a trial lawyer, with nearly two decades of experience. She is a frequently requested public speaker, and legal analyst for radio and television having appeared on Fox News.…Read More

During her “conversation on gun violence” in New York on April 11 2016, Hillary touted her stance to fight against the law that has, according to her, made it impossible for people to sue gun manufacturers. Since the beginning of her campaign, Hillary Clinton has shown her complete ignorance of, or deliberate disregard for, the potential liability of firearms manufacturers. Of course, who cares about the facts? Her gun control agenda is focused on emotion, regardless of the truth.Read More

One rainy morning four years ago, I walked out of Meridian’s largest gun shop to find two gentlemen standing in front of the store, clipboards in hand, requesting signatures on a petition. The petition was to request that Idaho citizens support a permitless carry law. That was the first time I met Greg Pruett, and I offered my help with his endeavor.Read More

Every day, millions of Americans are disarmed as they go to work. Some work locations, such as military bases and schools, are governed by “public safety” laws and policies, which allow only members of elite statuses, such as security guards, on-duty law enforcement, or politicians, to carry a firearm.Read More

Gun trusts are powerful asset protection and estate planning tools for gun owners, with additional benefits for gun owners who own NFA firearms. Planning for the possibility that you will be incapacitated (whether from age or accident), even if temporarily, is important for everyone. It is even more important for gun owners. After all, if you don’t plan, the government has a plan for you, and the government’s plan is a public, expensive, judge-controlled system that will take away your right to own a firearm.Read More

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE, or more commonly referred to as the ATF) is going the extra mile to win your enthusiasm. Check out the agency’s Internet K-9 page, portraying the playful side of the dogs that are responsible for sniffing out the next bomber. You’ll be greeted by a cute and fluffy retriever holding an ATF ball, and while you’re there, click the link to go to the Kids Page with pictures to color and word games. This reminder of your own family is just…Read More

“I’ll take a semiautomatic rifle any day of the week over a boltaction, and twice on Sunday.” That’s what my husband told me when I confessed my love of the Mauser M98 bolt-action. A discussion ensued, and we were not talking hunting – we were discussing war. Our passion for rifles and history often leads to a great deal of research and conversation. Neither of us has served in the military, but the conversation thankfully extends beyond the theoretics of our living room to those who have first-hand experience to tell it how it is, or was. Speaking with veterans is an opportunity neither of us will ever turn down.…Read More