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Front page of American Shooting Sports Magazine - July 2016 showcasing Alexandria Kincaid's articles. - Alex Kincaid Law

Alexandria Kincaid is a nationally renowned author and speaker.

She has appeared in numerous magazines, newspapers, and online articles, and she is a regular contributor to RECOIL Magazine, Concealment Magazine, the American Shooting Journal and

Below are a few examples of her articles.

A visual representation showcasing the difference between a will and trust
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

What Is The Difference Between A Will And A Trust? The main difference is which system controls if you become incapacitated or die – the government’s court system or your own, private system. A will is like a letter to the judge: “Dear Judge, When I die, this is who I want in charge and where I want my stuff to go.”  Wills are “probated” in the court system. A trust is a private rulebook written by you.  If done properly, the court is not involved in the trust process…Read More

A person analyzing graphs on a laptop screen.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

RECOIL INTERVIEWS DR. JOHN LOT, JR. TO DIFFERENTIATE FACT FROM FICTION With so many experts on firearms-related topics — Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, news reporters on CNN — we’re bombarded daily with “facts” we know aren’t quite right. Sometimes, these so-called facts are even absurd, but are nonchalantly paraded around by the media to support their gun control agenda. How do we, the responsible gun owners, prove the falsehood? Recognizing the difference between fact and fiction is one of the most important skills in the Second Amendment advocate’s arsenal. Read…Read More

A person holding a gun in their hand.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Gone are the days when the law required Americans to be armed. Instead, we face a new bans on guns, ammunition, or firearms accessories every time we turn around. In fact, many people see no reason for civilians to have guns at all, let alone the weapons they view as designed specifically for the military. Because of this flawed viewpoint, too many Americans, including politicians, prefer to take machine guns, “assault weapons” and “large-capacity” magazines completely out of the hands of civilians. These gun control advocates have tried various ways…Read More

A monochrome image of a person gripping a firearm tightly, creating a stark and intense visual impact.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Making And Apprehending Criminals Through The Tax Laws A hand-processed, paper-intensive, firearm background check system that costs Americans millions of dollars annually to implement is no doubt an archaic way of doing business in the year 2017. But few, if any, people have ever suggested that government processes are the model of efficiency. Unfortunately, while change may be on the horizon, it’ll take much effort and many years to see improvement for the simple reason that far too many people still agree with the following statement: “A sawed-off shotgun is…Read More

A judge's gavel resting on a desk.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Your home is your castle. That’s the underlying theme of castle doctrine laws, intended to allow people to defend their homes and lives without fear of prosecution. You may be forced to make a split-second decision on using deadly force; these laws are designed to prevent prosecutors from second guessing your life-or-death decision. Florida Leads The Way Have you read many news reports about Florida residents being prosecuted for shooting intruders inside their own homes? Probably not, because “those people just aren’t getting arrested due to Florida’s strong castle doctrine,”…Read More

A judge's gavel and scales of justice on a black background, symbolizing fairness and legal proceedings.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Gun Owners Lost The Battle But May (Eventually) Win The War Most gun owners, particularly those in California, relished a fantasy in which the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear the case of Peruta v. San Diego and set the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals straight in its failure to protect the right to carry a firearm in public. These gun owners hoped that the SCOTUS would step-in, overturn the 2016 Ninth Circuit decision holding that the Second Amendment does not protect a right to carry a concealed firearm,…Read More

Side view of the mountain, towering against a clear blue sky.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Picture a tiny, Christmas town filled with classic Alpine chalets and surrounded by mountains, with the citizens working dutifully to contribute to the common good, and you will envision Zermatt, Switzerland. Zermatt is a picturesque tourist town that would fit the typical political progressive’s idea of utopia on earth: modern, clean and government-controlled. Environmental preservation is key. Residents pride themselves on the pure, glacial water flowing through the town.Read More

A courtroom with rows of chairs and a microphone.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

Making The Dream A Reality If you’ve ever legally bought or built a suppressor, you’ve shared the pain of more than a million Americans who’ve endured and complied with the federal government’s bureaucratic paper shuffle before enjoying the fruits of your labor. You prepared and submitted special forms, a photograph, and a set of fingerprints. Before July 13, 2016, you either waited for the approval of your local chief law enforcement officer (CLEO) or spent time and money to prepare a special trust. You also paid a $200 tax. And…Read More

A judge's gavel and a statue of Lady Justice on books, symbolizing justice and the legal profession.
  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.

If you miss the opportunity to implement your situational-awareness training and avoid a fight, your options for survival become extremely limited. People may argue that it’s not necessary to use deadly force, and that human beings should attempt to preserve life when at all possible, even when faced with death or serious injury at the hands of another person. Prosecutors will argue in court that you, the gun owner who used deadly force, could’ve retreated, that you are a gun nut, and that your use of deadly force was premature…Read More

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