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  • By: Alexandria Kincaid, Esq.
A woman in a red suit holding a gun in the mountains.

You Can Defend Yourself, But Who Will Defend Your Right to Defend Yourself? Enter Former Trial Lawyer and Private Practice Owner Alex Kincaid, a Second Amendment Proponent and the Author of a New Book Designed to Help Firearms Owners Educate Themselves to Become the Answer to that Question.

Whoever said “experience is the best teacher” clearly hasn’t met Alex Kincaid. She is a trial lawyer, with nearly two decades of experience. She is a frequently requested public speaker, and legal analyst for radio and television having appeared on Fox News. She is a staunch defender of the Second Amendment, primarily because first and foremost, she’s a firearms owner. The combination of the last two give way to Alex’s latest title, published author, as she has recently completed an incredible book called Infringed.

Author Box - Alex Kincaid Law

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(208) 203-7876  (Meridian)
(208) 328-5795  (Emmett)

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